Pearson SuccessNet (link to math book; students need to type in BL in front of their 5-digit user number, and then use their network password as usual)
Topic 1: Multiplication and Division: Meanings and Facts
-Making Arrays
-Dino Disco (practice for multiplication facts)
-Bonk the Moles (a Plato favorite for multiplication facts!)
-Using a fast finger method to remember your nines
-Terrific Triangles (freeware for your computer that helps you quickly recall fact families)
Topic 2: Generate and Analyze Patterns
Topic 3: Place Value
-Virtual Rounding Flashcards
Topic 4: Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
-Dino Disco (practice for addition)
-Dino Disco (practice for subtraction)
-Greg Tang Math
Topic 5: Number Sense: Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers
-Partial Products How-To Video
Topic 6: Developing Fluency: Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers
Topic 7: Number Sense: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
Topic 8: Developing Fluency: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
-Step-by-Step Using the Short Algorithm
-Complete Missing Steps in Algorithm
-Timed Practice Problems
-Khan Academy Video (very basic)
Topic 9: Number Sense: Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors
Topic 10: Developing Fluency: Dividing by 2-Digit Divisors
Topic 11: Fraction Equivalence and Ordering
Topic 12: Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators
Topic 13: Extending Fraction Concepts
Topic 14: Measurement Units and Conversions
Topic 15: Solving Measurement Problems
Topic 16: Lines, Angles, and Shapes