Sunday, May 20, 2012

Home stretch!


Can you believe we are in the home stretch of fourth grade?  It feels like we just started.  I have said it before, and I will say it again: This class will be missed.  I cannot wait to see what is in store for them as fifth graders.  They will definitely be a great fifth grade class!  We have a GORGEOUS day at Miller Park on Friday.  We could not have asked for better weather.

We wrapped up Social Studies Power Points this past week.  They are all posted on the Social Studies tab.  Students are encouraged to revise them if they did not have everything ready the day of their presentations.  My sample is also posted so that you can see what was expected (I completed the sample in class in front of the students and we discussed it at length.).  Be sure to refer to the rubric to make sure you get the points needed.  Also, students have an "ABCs of the USA" packet that will be used to determine how well they listened to other presentations.  This will be collected on Monday.  Students will have time to look over the posted Power Points in case they are missing any information.  They are NOT expected to have filled up each page.  They should have a decent amount of information for each state, however, provided the presenter gave them enough information.  I will take that into consideration in my grading.

Students are permitted to bring in games on Monday and Tuesday.  We will have bits of time here and there where they might be able to play them.

Report cards are sent home after school lets out.  We do not give them out at school as we do for previous quarters.  If yours does not arrive within a week after school lets out, please contact Mrs. Crouch in our office.

Wednesday, May 23, is our last day of school.  It is very short!  Teachers will be on the playground to say their goodbyes, but we do not enter the school or have a formal class in the classroom.  The last full day is May 22.  Expect students to be bringing home items in backpacks over the next two days.  Students who did not use their 2nd expandable file this year will get it back.  Some very wise students said to me (unsolicited!), "I'm going to save mine to use next year."  Yes!!!  Save money and Mother Earth!