Monday, February 25, 2013

Math: FASTT Math; angle measurement and construction; study facts

Science: ISAT review

Literacy block: Handwriting, Week 20, Monday due tomorrow; rotations; strategy groups; prepositional phrase sentence patterns

Saturday, February 23, 2013

We were quite lucky that our field trip went as planned!  The Lincoln Presidential Museum is always a nice trip, and the students seemed to enjoy it very much.

Students should have brought home a multiplication timed test for a parent signature.  It is due Monday.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Field trip is...

...a go!


Come with lunches, if needed.  See you at 9!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Three-Day Weekend!

Math: FASTT Math; reasonability; study facts

Literacy block: Handwriting, Friday, Week 19 is due Tuesday

Science: ISAT prep competition

Get mark chart signed

PJ Day/Read-In on Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gone again!

Due to some curriculum meetings, I have been out of the classroom.  Today, I was back...and so happy!

Math: FASTT Math; timed tests need to be signed; study facts for timed test tomorrow; analyzing Discovery Assessment results

Worked on Valentine bags today!  Don't forget your Valentines tomorrow!

Literacy block: Preposition song; rotations; strategy groups; Handwriting, Wednesday, Week 18 due tomorrow

Get planner signed

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Math: FASTT Math; Discovery Assessment; timed test tomorrow; study facts

Social Studies: Quiz on map skills and types of social scientists

Literacy block: Handwriting, Week 18, Wednesday due; "Stone Soup;" rotations; strategy groups

Get planner signed tonight

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Math: FASTT Math; CCR Data Analysis; study facts; assessment tomorrow on perimeter, area, and rounding to estimate

Social Studies: assessment tomorrow on social scientists and using a map grid

Literacy block: "Stone Soup;" rotations; strategy groups; Handwriting, Week 18, Tuesday, due tomorrow

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Math: FASTT Math; timed test; study facts

Literacy block: Rotations; strategy groups; Stone Soup; Handwriting, Friday, Week 17 (POEM) due Monday

Mark chart slips due Monday