Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Hope you have enjoyed the weekend's beautiful weather.  I know I did!  I caught a football game Friday night (CCHS vs. son is a Freshman at CCHS and plays in the band) and the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Lincoln on Saturday night.  All in all, a fabulous weekend.

Here are some reminders about what is due Monday:

-Mark chart summary slips should be signed and returned.
-"Diagnose Yourself" packet for math facts should be returned, with parent initials indicating days last week that fact family triangles were practiced.
-Boomerang folder should be EMPTY of anything except what should be in the "For Teacher" pocket.

Please remember that Book Orders are due by September 2, if you are interested in ordering.  We have online ordering as well as the good ol' hard copy ordering.

I will be adding photos under the photo tab this evening (barring any technical glitches).  Stay tuned!