We're back to 90 degree weather again, I guess! Lots of sneezing going on in our room...including me!
Math: We jumped in to Lesson 1-2 today. It is REALLY important for students to be practicing their multiplication facts throughout this topic. p. 11, #31, 32, 33, 34, and 36 were assigned for homework tonight.
Science: We observed an onion in "real life" as well as at the cellular level. We drew and wrote our observations. We also started reading Chapter 1.
Literacy Block: Handwriting, week 3, Monday is for homework. Students should take special care with this--it's months of the year, and they can be tricky to spell. We completed 27 minutes of Read to Self time today. We also completed 8 minutes of Work on Writing, which seemed like not a lot of time as far as the students were concerned.
We had school pictures taken today. Everyone looked great!