Sorry for my absence yesterday. Last night was quite hectic!
Math: FASTT Math and Core Content Reviews for 1-7 and 1-8 were completed in class. Students had a great deal of time to work on the following book work. If it is incomplete, it needed to be completed at home:
p. 26 #1-10 and 12-24
p. 27 #28, 31, 32, 33
Students who may have forgotten their books can be reminded that the book is available online. See the Math tab for more information.
Social Studies: We read about political scientists and historians. We took notes in our ISN. Students are bringing home an "artifacts bag" this weekend. They must come up with an artifact from home that each types of social scientist -- economist, geographer, political scientist, and historian -- would be interested in. Their notes will help them with this. It need not be anything elaborate. We discussed some items today, and there are examples in their books to help them out. I will be sharing my bag on Monday as a sample.
Their artifacts are due Tuesday.
Literacy block: Rotations and finishing preparation for conferences took place today.
Finish up Handwriting Thursday and Friday, Week 8 this weekend.
Get mark charts signed. Mark charts have a reminder of scheduled parent conference times. Parent conferences will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week.
We have no school tomorrow due to a Teacher Institute Day.