Math: We finished working with compatible numbers.We started looking at adding and subtracting using mental math. Students were asked to read the top of the reteaching sheet for section 4-1 and try the first four items in their heads (no work on paper except the answer itself). We will discuss these tomorrow.
Social Studies: We read the Reader's Theater "Pigtails and Protests." We discussed the vocabulary involved.
Literacy block: We talked about making SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) for reading and writing. We will have conferences this week during which the students and I will make January goals together. Students should be ready for their conferences with their sheets completed. We also worked on interrogative sentence patterns. We created some as a class, then students created 5 as individual assessments. Handwriting for Monday, Week 16, is due tomorrow.
Last week, yearbook order forms went home. They are due January 23, if students wish to order a yearbook.