Thursday, November 29, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; checked homework; practiced arrays; completed Quick Check; talked about patterns; practice subtraction facts and fact family triangles for homework

Watch this video to see how to use Fact Family Triangles!

Social Studies: Brain Pop videos about the themes of geography and maps

Literacy: Handwriting, Week 13, Wednesday and Thursday should be ready for tomorrow; wrote an introductory paragraph for a compare/contrast essay; rotations; strategy groups 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Math: FASTT Math (multiplication begins!); Terrific Triangles; discussion of fact family triangles; study flashcards

Social Studies: Continents review

Literacy: Handwriting, Week 13, Monday due tomorrow; Hazard House presentation by BFD

Friday, November 23, 2012

If your student has not shown you a math test with addition and subtraction facts, please ask about it.  It was due with a parent signature before break.

S/he should have also shown you a science test for a signature on the cover letter.  The cover letter explains how corrections can be made.  The signature was due before break. S/he has until Monday to do corrections for a grade increase.

Mark charts were sent home on Tuesday.  Students should return them with a parent signature on Monday.

Have a terrific extended break!  Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; Scoot Pad; work on subtraction flashcards

Science: Test on Chapter 1

Literacy: Finished How to Cook a Turkey; Word of the Week; Handwriting, Week 12, Friday due Monday

Mark Chart Slips will go home Tuesday

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Math: FASTT math; get test signed; practice subtraction facts; worked on rounding

Science: test on Ch. 1 tomorrow; yellow booklet due tomorrow

Literacy: Types of sentences; spelling sentences for spelling group; How to Roast a Turkey; Handwriting, Thursday, Week 12 due tomorrow

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; addition/subtraction assessment (which they ROCKED!); CCR review; cut out fact family triangles (might have been finished at school; needs to be finished for homework)

Science: crossword puzzle (complete for homework if not completed in class); study for test; review game tomorrow

Literacy block: How To Cook a Turkey activity; rotations; strategy groups; Handwriting, Week 12, Wednesday for homework

Get planners signed tonight

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; adding/subtracting strategy groups; CCR 4-5; assessment tomorrow on adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers.

Science: Chapter Review; study for test on Friday (19 points; 14 multiple choice; 1 word web; 1 Venn diagram); completed yellow booklet due Friday

Literacy: How To Babysit a Grandpa; How To Blow a Bubble; rotations; strategy groups; Handwriting, Week 12, Tuesday due tomorrow

Monday, November 12, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; CCR Review; Addition/Subtraction work

Science: Symmetry in Nature; discussion of Friday's test; study

Literacy: Handwriting, Week 12, Monday due tomorrow; rotations; strategy groups; conferences

Data Packet sent home; signed sheet due Friday

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; strategy groups; CCR; study facts

Science: Classification; study for test

Literacy: Handwriting, Week 11, Friday due Monday; Discovery Assessment; read to self

Get mark chart signed

If you ordered pictures, they went home on Friday

If you did not make it to the Barnes & Noble book fair, but would still like to help, follow these instructions:

Visit http://BN.COM/bookfairs to support us
online from 11/10/12 to 11/15/12 by entering
Bookfair ID 10841799 at checkout.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; strategy group for multi-digit addition; decimal modeling

Science: Lesson 5

Literacy Block: Summarizing; Handwriting, Week 11, Wednesday due tomorrow; rotations; conferences

Get planner signed tonight

Barnes and Noble book fair Saturday!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; study subtraction cards; rounding practice

Science: Lesson 5; review for next week's test

Literacy Block: Summarizing; Handwriting, Week 11, Tuesday due tomorrow; rotations

Monday, November 5, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; rounding; practice subtraction flash cards for homework; multi-digit addition/subtraction pre-test tomorrow

Science: Wrap up of lesson 4; start looking over yellow packet for test next week

Literacy block: Handwriting, Week 11, Monday due tomorrow; rotations; conferences; worked on summarizing