Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; checked p. 94; ISAT/Mental Math Prep.

Science: 100 Day Data Collection

Literacy Block: Rotations; Preposition Song assessments finished; Handwriting, Tuesday, Week 18 is tonight's homework

Parent-Teacher Conference forms are due tomorrow

Monday, January 30, 2012

100th Day of School!

Happy 100th Day of School!

This year can slow down any time now.  I can't believe we are looking at the last of January!

Math: FASTT Math; 100 centimeters measurement activity; rounding to the nearest 100 activity

Science: Activities involving timing and 100

Literacy Block: Preposition Song; main idea work; summarizing work; 100 words in IRVING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; rotations; Handwriting, Week 18, Monday is tonight's homework

Parent Teacher Conference flier went home tonight for a  parent signature. Please return by Wednesday.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; area activities, ISAT Prep; Mental Math warm-up

Literacy Block: Rotations; small group work; Handwriting, Friday, Week 17 is for homework

Please get mark chart slips signed

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; ISAT Prep.; Mental Math warm up; checked homework; p. 94 # 9-12 and 17-20 for homework

Social Studies: Get test signed tonight; correct tests for grade improvement if needed; watched America Rock

Literacy Block: Rotations; small group work with main idea and making inferences; Handwriting, Thursday, Week 17 is tonight's homework

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; estimation; get grade sheets signed; complete p. 94 # 3, 4, and 6 for homework

Social Studies: Took Chapter 3 test

Literacy Block: Preposition Song; rotations; small group work on main ideas and inferences; Handwriting, Week 17, Wednesday is tonight's homework

Parent signature needed in planners tonight

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; ISAT Review; mental math review; problem solving for a reasonable answer

Social Studies: study for Chapter 3 test tomorrow

Literacy block: rotations; main idea small group; Preposition Song; Handwriting, Tuesday, Week 17 for homework

Monday, January 23, 2012

Math: wrapped up mental math assessments; FASTT Math; checked p. 93 and Core Content Review 4-3

Social Studies: read about contributions of Asian Americans; started on study guide for test; finish study guide for homework; test Wednesday

Literacy block: rotations; worked with paragraph group; Handwriting, Week 17, Monday due tomorrow

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Thanks for your patience during this very strange short week.  I had some surgery done on Wednesday, so I was at school only two short days.

Math: We are working on practicing mental math with addition and subtraction.  I am working with students one-on-one to assess their abilities and give them tips and tricks.  Any time this can be reinforced at home would be fantastic.  The smallest skill building moments, especially with money and time, is a tremendous help.  Examples of items students are assessed on: 423 + 99 (students are encourages to think of 423 + 100, then subtract one because they added one too many).

Social Studies: We studied the settlement experiences and contributions of African Americans in the history of our country.  We are looking at having a test on Chapter 3 sometime next week.  Stay tuned!

Literacy block: Students have their own SMART Goals that they are working to achieve this week.  Ask them how they are doing with their goals.  There is no Handwriting assignment this week, but we will begin Week 17 next week.  We completed rotations on Friday and worked on hitting the sentence pattern targets for sentences beginning with adverbs.

No mark charts this weekend.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A four-day weekend after a hardworking week!  I was proud of the kids this week.  They really came in ready to learn.

Math: FASTT Math; Core Content Review 4-3; went over Core Content Review 4-2; handed in homework

Social Studies: Read and took notes on the settlement experiences and the contributions of Latinos in America.

Literacy block: Finished up conferences; rotations; Handwriting, Week 16, Friday is homework.

Get mark charts signed this weekend.  Enjoy the nice break!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; mental math assessment; discussion of algebraic equations; p. 93, #1-12 for homework

Social Studies: We began reading Chapter 3 by discussing and taking notes on the settlement experiences and contributions of Native Americans.

Literacy block: Goal-setting conferences; rotations; Handwriting, Thursday, Week 16 is homework

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Math: FASTT Math; went over CCR 4-1; completed Core Content Review 4-2; checked homework

Social Studies: discussed sequencing events in a story; completed comprehension assessment for "Ponytails and Protests;" started foldable for Chapter 3 notes

Literacy block: Goal-setting conferences; rotations; Handwriting, Week 16, Wednesday for homework

Get planner signed tonight.

Return parent signature card from report card, if not already completed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Math: FASTT Math and Core Content Review 4-1; tonight, complete Practice 4-1, #1-9.  Students will be given one of these tomorrow to solve mentally for Mrs. Plato as an assessment.

Social Studies: Pigtails and Protests; sequencing activity; Second Step

Literacy block: Student goal-setting conferences begun; rotations; Handwriting, week 16, Tuesday is tonight's homework

Report cards went home for 4P tonight.  Please return the signature card and the envelope.  The contents of the envelope can stay at home.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Math: We finished working with compatible numbers.We started looking at adding and subtracting using mental math.  Students were asked to read the top of the reteaching sheet for section 4-1 and try the first four items in their heads (no work on paper except the answer itself).  We will discuss these tomorrow.

Social Studies: We read the Reader's Theater "Pigtails and Protests."  We discussed the vocabulary involved.

Literacy block: We talked about making SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) for reading and writing.  We will have conferences this week during which the students and I will make January goals together.  Students should be ready for their conferences with their sheets completed.  We also worked on interrogative sentence patterns.  We created some as a class, then students created 5 as individual assessments. Handwriting for Monday, Week 16, is due tomorrow.

Last week, yearbook order forms went home.  They are due January 23, if students wish to order a yearbook.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy weekend!

That was the fastest week on record, for sure.  Here's what we did on Friday.

Math: Discussed and worked with compatible numbers and adding groups of numbers mentally in preparation for our next Topic.  Students also completed an assessment where they interpreted the snow glyphs created yesterday.

Social Studies: We kicked off our chapter on the cultures that made up America with some Zumba Fitness.  Zumba (a personal favorite of Mrs. Plato) is a dance fitness option that uses international music, particularly Latin-based.  We had a blast!

Literacy block: We continued discussing the article from yesterday.  Students then answered some comprehension questions related to the story as an assessment of their understanding.  Read to self or work on writing were part of rotations.

No homework this weekend.

A note about report cards: Teachers must have report card information inputted by 4 PM Monday.  Typically, the reports are printed out in the few days following.  I am thinking we will be sending them home on Wednesday.  Stay tuned to the website to hear for sure.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome back!

I am obviously out of practice...forgive my late posting!

Math: We completed a Snow Glyph. Tomorrow, students will be assessed on their interpretation of a fellow classmate's glyph.  We also made snowflakes and discussed symmetry.

Literacy block: We had a short period of Read to Self.  We then started discussing author's purpose with this story about a concussion and subsequent brain injury of a 13-year-old football player.

It's true...I did not assign any homework for tonight.  We are getting back in sync with being at school again.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One more lovely day!

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that District 87 has another day of Winter Break tomorrow, January 4.  Unit 5 schools and some of the private schools in town return tomorrow because they got out a day earlier for their break.  We have one more day of rest and relaxation before the fun begins again!  I can't wait to see everyone!